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Sunday, December 9, 2012

10 Reasons you should have voted for President Obama!

A friend of mine after reading this blog said he wanted reasons he should have voted for President Obama.  I gave good reasons not to vote for the GOP and instead to vote for your class.  I am not 100% sure why people are not looking at what the candidate stands for and not just believing the hate propaganda? 


1)  Healthcare is reason number one you should have voted for President Obama instead of Mitt.  Alan Kooi Simpson who is so GOP he tried to block efforts by John D. Rockefeller, Jr. to preserve Grand Teton National Park for the entire country just for the sake of a few rich ranchers.  (Remember the GOP represents the 10% richest Americans only, not you and not me.)  He was chairman of the Veterans' Affairs Committee.  Alan Simpson said if we had France’s National Healthcare plan and costs we would not have a deficit.  Let me repeat we would not have a deficit at all if we were following the French model on healthcare not the GOP model and we would live longer and have better healthcare.


On the front page of 11-24-12 paper “Insurance Fight Left Cancer Victim On Brink” “Woman’s battle for lifesaving treatment all too common”.  The GOP would leave this 31 year old woman on the steps of a church (per the GOP debate these are not my words but theirs check the GOP primary).  Who pays for her after she is left at church, the church takes her to the emergency room and we all do from our taxes.  So we don’t save taxes by not having a public option, what in fact we are doing is passing money to already rich companies and we are paying for the most expensive healthcare from tax revenues.  The whole healthcare debate is just keeping some rich companies and CEO’s making money not lowering taxes.  We pay the taxes on healthcare anyway. 

America is not using more healthcare, as the numbers above show. But the price we pay keeps going up, as the healthcare industry in America increasingly makes itself a private industry sector fantastically less efficient than any Government run program. There's not even been an increase in the intensity of the care we are given or quality of care we are being given we live shorter lives than people who live in countries paying half as much.  Like France, no wonder George W wanted you to hate the French. 
My friend has Government healthcare so doesn’t understand.  Three times in my life this has happened to me, an employer stopped paying the premiums so we get letters and calls by doctors, but that same employer does not stop making healthcare deductions from our paychecks.
2)  FEMA and Hurricane Sandy, Mitt with his marching orders from the GOP was going to privatize FEMA or move it to the states.  Really?  My incompetent Governor or a privatized FEMA businessman comes to my aid in a natural disaster.
Compare Hurricane Sandy and Hurricane Katrina.  Sandy we have the President Obama on the spot Katrina the GOP President fly’s over three days later after reluctantly cutting short one of his many vacations.  Sandy FEMA on site and working on day 1.   Katrina’s FEMA director came on line and complained that FEMA should have waited until we knew how many dead were floating in the streets before we helped New Yorkers.  Explaining why Michael “Heckuva Job” Brown, responded so late to Kartrina.  Don’t want to help those people and waste tax dollars.
http://radio.foxnews.com/2012/10/30/brownie-obama-responded-too-quickly-to-hurricane-sandy/  Mitt pretended he did not hear reporters ask him if he was still getting rid of FEMA considering Hurricane Sandy.  http://thinkprogress.org/security/2012/10/30/1110901/bush-fema-director-katrina-hits-obama-sandy/?mobile=nc  Sad but true, at church we were told to pray for our presidential candidate, considering those saying that they wanted Mitt to win.  Later when complaining about the election I pointed out they got an answer to their prayers God sent a hurricane.  Clearly showing us the difference between the GOP and President Obama.  “However, Brown’s comments carry a special irony due to the role he played during the Hurricane Katrina debacle in 2005. As director of FEMA during the legendarily botched response, Brown, famously dubbed “Brownie” by President Bush, was in the center of criticism from both sides of the aisle that the Bush administration was too slow to respond. An internal review by the Department of Homeland Security’s Inspector-General following the disaster concluded, “Much of the criticism is warranted.””  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lssbAwu-OtE
3)  Global Warming is reason number three you should have voted for President Obama instead of the GOP.  Look at the ridicule Mitt Romney gave global warming at the GOP national convention.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZENtH3psXl4 Really? 

Global Warming causes this to happen in the oceans.  Lower taxes on the ultra-rich vs. global warming?  How about the real choice lower taxes on the people of New York City and New Jersey vs. the ultra-rich.  http://news.yahoo.com/york-jersey-put-71-billion-price-tag-sandy-002134256--sector.html  The people of New York City and New Jersey have just gotten at least a 71 billion dollar tax bill, plus the lost lives and business destroyed.  Global Warming is changing the weather pattern.  Now 100 year events in weather are happening every few years.  Lets see higher taxes on Mitt and George who already have enough or hidden taxes like Sandy and Katrina on everyone else?  I pick President Obama over Mitt Romney, why didn’t you?


At some point, I have heard two degrees I am not sure, we will be growing less food.  Less food means war.  People will not lay down and die.  The less food I have read is we will have 2 to 4 billion less people supported on earth. 

4) Grover Glenn Norquist (born October 19, 1956) is an American lobbyist, and a huge reason to vote no on all GOP candidates  who support him.  If you vote against Grover you are voting for prosperity and the American Dream.

Everyone else besides Norquist including Republicans, Democrats, and economists agrees that tax credits and deductions are actually "tax expenditures," or spending through the tax code.  His primary objective is to protect his donors.  The Koch brothers, big tobacco, (disclosure I own MO) Steve Bechtel of Bechtel Corporation and Steve Schwarzman of the Blackstone Group, Paul Singer, the "vulture" hedge-fund king who benefits enormously from tax strategies like the carried interest loophole.  The consequences Norquist promises are attack ads and money for challengers to the GOP members who break his promise.  In our country 1 percent of society owns 40% of the wealth those 1percent have their pet lobbyist.  Vote for President Obama for this point alone!  The GOP is on the take.


It is too bad that just like in 1897 and William McKinley even the presidency is being bought by the richest men in America.  Why is the GOP allowing themselves to be purchased.  Is our country and freedom for sale to the highest bidder?  Just say no to the GOP as they lose elections they will change if they see the public will not vote for Norquist and his billionaire friends.


5) President Obama is honest and tells us what he wants to do Mitt Romney is dishonest!  I spent years in accounting.  There is only one reason I know of that a man puts his money in the Cayman Islands, he is cheating on his taxes or has broken laws in the United States and wants his money safe if he has to flee.  Is it any surprise that in November George W Bush was speaking about avoiding taxes in the Cayman Islands?


And abortion Mitt you cannot be both for abortion and against abortion on the same day!  What exactly did Mitt ever say that we can identify he is for all the time?  Lower taxes on the wealthy, what else?  He does not like those people, the poor.  Anything else?  I am not sure he said things people wanted to hear, seems he liked healthcare but only for people in Massachusetts.


I think the real Mitt came out in his fundraising video.  The “I don’t care” Mitt.  Fifth reason to vote for President Obama he cares about more than a circle of rich friends and he is more honest than the GOP.


6)  The sixth reason you should have voted for President Obama is supply side trickle-down economics does not work.  There have been numerous bipartisan studies that point out Grover Norquist, trickle-down economics, hate the poor, pity the billionaire, shift the wealth to the ultra-rich, and cut their taxes economics is destroying our economy and we were better off when we taxed the rich and had a stronger middle class.  President Obama is trying to shift the wealth curve back to where it was, Mitt is out to cut his own taxes.  You made a huge mistake voting for the GOP if you did.  Review my old posts for the graphs and links I am not going to put them in again.  http://finance.yahoo.com/blogs/daily-ticker/why-warren-buffett-raising-taxes-rich-144852573.html



7)  You should have voted for President Obama because he believes in Science and Math.  Mitt and the GOP do not believe in Math and Science if the math or science disagrees with them they believe in Pseudoscience.  Examples listed below:


1.  Global Warming


2.  Some women will die without an abortion.


3.  Statistics, my statistics teacher at the University told the class that statistics won WWII.  The election was predicted weeks in advance, the GOP was lost in their world of Pseudoscience and witchcraft.  They believed their own propaganda.


4.  Economics, it was a GOP senator who turned a Great Recession into the Great Depression read about senator Smoot.  Smoot was a co-sponsor of the Smoot-Hawley Tariff in 1930, which raised U.S. import tariffs on over 20,000 dutiable items to record levels and arguably exacerbated the Great Depression. U.S. President Herbert Hoover signed the act into law on June 17, 1930. 


In 1930, a petition was signed by 1,028 economists asks the U.S. asking President Hoover to veto the legislation.  Henry Ford spent an evening at the White House trying to convince Hoover to veto the bill, calling it "an economic stupidity." J. P. Morgan's chief executive Thomas W. Lamont said he "almost went down on his knees to beg Herbert Hoover to veto the asinine Hawley-Smoot tariff."


Hoover opposed the bill however, in spite of his opposition, Hoover yielded to influence from his own party and business leaders and signed the bill.


So as in 1930 we are back to the Pseudoscience of cutting taxes on the rich and trickle-down economics.  Now instead of stimulating the economy we have been wasting time for 2 years worried about a budget defecate that wasn’t a GOP concern under George W. Bush.  http://finance.yahoo.com/news/tax-cuts-rich-dont-spur-151649273.html



8) Medical science, a woman can get pregnant if raped.  A woman can die without an abortion.  Why were these stupid men saying it can never happen?


So reason eight is vote for logic and science not witchcraft and hyperbole, you should have voted for President Obama. 


You should have voted for President Obama because like 89% of the country he supports some abortions.  http://www.kpax.com/news/husband-refuses-to-cooperate-in-ireland-abortion-case-inquiry/

31-year-old Savita, who was 17 weeks pregnant, was found to be miscarrying and wanted an abortion. But the doctors declined saying theirs is a Catholic country and they cannot abort a fetus, two days later she died of septicemia.


Only 11% of Americans support the GOP view of never.  Yet for some reason the GOP cannot represent the 89%.  I think there are too many abortions, I am not sure of the correct action, but if my daughter was at risk I would sell everything I owned and send her to Sweden to get an abortion.  Savita’s case is an example of personhood as supported by the GOP and Mitt Romney.  Is this what you want?  Well I guess if you are in the 11% it is, if not and you are in the 89% of American’s like I am why did you vote for Mitt?


9)  Corporations on Government Welfare Part I:  Mitt and the GOP are in favor of corporate welfare programs, example one tax breaks to oil companies.  http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-03-29/senate-fails-to-advance-bill-repealing-oil-tax-breaks-correct-.html 

The most profitable companies in the history of the world and they need a tax break?  Shifting from oil to natural gas will lower the price at the pump, not drilling more and tax breaks for these cash rich companies.  Remember my view that is Mitt supports the rich and no one else, like these companies.


10) Corporations on Government Welfare Part II:  We all pay taxes that cover food stamps and healthcare for employees who work at the Chinese box stores, Wal-Mart and Target, or at the fast food places that hurt our health Burger King and MacDonald’s.   These 4 companies and many others work their employees for 30 hours a week to avoid giving them benefits, playing low wages. ($8 dollars an hour) So these are the working poor, remember Regan and shifting us to a service economy?  Yet your tax dollars support these types of employers because their employees are on food stamps and Medicare.  This is Reaganomics or trickle-down economics by the correct name, do you really think a service economy is the answer?  I don’t. http://www.winningwordsproject.com/walmart_is_the_largest_food_stamp_recipient_in_the_country 


11)  Clean coal is the next reason you should have voted for President Obama, "clean coal" technology is a figment of an coal industry advertisers' imagination.  Clean coal is an oxymoron and contradictory to reality.  Burning coal hurts the health of millions of Americans and is another GOP hidden tax.  People with any kind of lung disorder are especially at risk.  Another hidden tax we all pay and Mitt likes coal.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-D4yk4Vivvg


12)  You should have voted for Obama because of Osama bin Laden!  Loyal American soldiers had Osama bin Laden trapped in a cave system in Afghanistan, President Bush moved the American troops out and moved in mercenary Afghan troops.  I cannot picture a Bush or Romney taking out Osama. 


13)  I disagree with the way you vote!  But I would defend to the death your right to vote that way!  Why is the GOP blocking and deigning the right to vote to Americans?  This reason alone is a reason you should have voted for Obama.  If Romney was worthy to be president he would have objected!  http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-07-12/pennsylvania-is-key-to-republican-vote-blocking.html and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CoYWgGY4ADY (Pennsylvania) http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2012/08/13/michael-tomasky-on-how-the-gop-plans-to-block-the-black-vote.html      and http://www.nytimes.com/2012/10/26/opinion/blocking-the-vote.html (Florida) Fox news has a clip of a GOP voter register in Colorado doing the same thing.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-k_WNPW7QEo and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iUJhkCD26F4 (Wisconsin)

The GOP does not support democracy how can you support them?


14) Diplomacy would have you vote for President Obama for a second term if you had been watching the world news.  You would have noticed that Mitt Romney could not even say something nice on an easy diplomatic trip.  http://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/mitt-romneys-olympic-stumbles-in-london/2012/07/27/gJQAiMZKEX_story.html  My wife says I am not diplomatic but even I could have said you did a good job with the Olympics, very impressive.  Do we really need another buffoon in Diplomacy like George W. Bush was?


“Cameron, responding to the candidate with a note of irritation, said that “of course it’s easier if you hold an Olympic Games in the middle of nowhere,” an apparent reference to Salt Lake City. That city held the 2002 Olympic Winter Games, which Romney organized. The prime minister and the mayor are conservatives, making their scolding all the more embarrassing for the candidate, an otherwise sympathetic ideological ally.”

15) You really need to vote your class without a strong health middle class we will never have a strong health economy, President Obama supports the middle class.


There is zero proof that cutting taxes on the wealthy creates jobs or stimulates the economy.  Trickle-down economics or Reaganomics show that for the upper 5% income and net worth went up, but under the GOP presidents during that period cutting taxes for rich did not give us an increase in jobs or wealth for all.  It has done what it is designed to do shift wealth.   

Oops I got 15 reasons you voted for the wrong guy.  I could have 15 more but don’t want to waste the time.  You are not looking at the facts.  Just for numbers13 and 4 you should vote against all GOP candidates if you are a patriotic loyal American supporting democracy. 
16)  Vote for Obama because some people will never be able to take care of themselves.  We just put them on the street?  I have a cousin who will never take care of herself.  We had a friend in California whose son (40 years old now) is retarded, deaf and blind.  We have a neighbor here whose brother Mom cannot take step Dad said no, she cannot take him she has little children and brother is a full time job.  I have met her brother.  Why as the richest, most able nation on earth can’t we take care of those who can’t take care of themselves?  The GOP resents tax dollars spent on them.  Do you care?  If you don’t why not and why is Stephen Alan Wynn’s tax bill matter to you?  It matters to the GOP senators you voted for.

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