The System is Still Rigged. And, the GOP is Offering No Plan Just the Old Plan.
system is rigged. It doesn’t matter if
you like President Barack Obama or not.
He at least is addressing the most pressing problem you have right now
(unless you are a millionaire). We are
not playing on a level playing field. We
have been ripped of lied too and cheated by the upper 3%. If you want to increase your wealth you need
to start voting your class, which means for 97% of us we aren’t on the Bush millionaire
welfare program. Vote against the GOP
and their shifting of wealth to the millionaires. At every opportunity local, state and federal
vote for Obama’s party until the GOP starts to become a party for of and by the
middle class like it was until Teddy left in disgust. That is the way you can most increase your
net worth.
Warren addressed the issue best.
Wall Street chief executives have not
gone to jail they are sitting next to Senators and Congressmen and writing
laws. Why? Wealth was transferred. The guilty were
rewarded. Nobody paid. I can’t get my Congressman Jeff Flake to return an email
or phone call. Billionaires pay a lower
percentage rate in their income taxes than you do, why?
Why we
all are expected to pity the Billionaire now?
Romney says he pays taxes and is not a tax cheat, so why can’t we see
that for ourselves? He says he is honest
so why is his company in court for dishonesty, and why did he lie about being
in his company during the Utah Olympics.
He says he will get rid of The Affordable Care Act and replace it with
something better but will not tell us what it is, why? And, why did he allow his millionaire cronies
make him take it back. Romney says he
will lower taxes, and do it by closing loopholes on the rich, but refuses to
show us the Math? Is he afraid of
Math? The GOP says we need to pity millionaires
and billionaires instead. Romney will
get rid of Medicare and replace it with nothing
does not like people to be fact checkers, why is the GOP lying? By checking the facts we will we see through
their lies? Apparently Paul Ryan is one
of those GOP candidates who don’t like fact checkers. Seems Paul Ryan forgot he never ran a marathon
in Olympic time?
cannot believe Romney is telling the truth about what his plans are, or his
taxes were either. He is not honest or
ethical. Seems the GOP has mastered the art of the big
lie, tell it often enough and it sticks.
Seems to me that remembering if you actually ran a marathon or not would
be hard, so it is a lie. Another word
for lies is propaganda, and propaganda is usually repeated and dispersed over a
wide variety of media in order to produce an emotional rather than rational
response to the information presented (hate and fear). After all if we are rational we see that the
GOP is obstructing the recovery, has no concern for the middle class.
millionaires they are so picked on.
Romney wants to lower his taxes and the other millionaire’s taxes, after
all 15% is much, much too high. Of
course Romney didn’t pay taxes for 2 to 4 years using those same tax loopholes. I would bet you he only cut the loopholes
used by working mothers supporting children on one income, after all Target and
Wal-Mart pay so much?????,0,3323996.story
Class warfare
or just fairness to everyone? How dare
we try to pick on those poor millionaires? It’s just not fair. After all,
they’re the job creators aren’t they? No
they’re not! The vast majority of
businesses in this country are two or three people, working together. If
business gets good, they hire an extra worker, increasing their workforce by 33
percent and trying to make more money. Taxes
are not included in the making more money calculation decision, jobs are added
for profit growth. (Remember this never! Yes, NEVER make a financial decision
of any sort using taxes as the decision point.
Make the money increase your income and worry about taxes later.) That’s the way American business works. A
tiny percent of millionaires are business owners. Millionaires are top
salespeople and managers and professional athletes, they sit on the board of
corporations. They own stock and collect
dividends, and pay 15% taxes because that is what they do. They run large corporations and get paid to
cut jobs. Most came into their millions
the same way Romney did they inherited it from Mommy and Daddy. Refer to the graph, tax cuts only increase
the deficit and hurt the middle class.
tax cuts were the single biggest contributor to the deficit, the second largest
contributor to the deficit was two unfunded and unpaid for wars. What happened to the 2000 Surplus? It was wasted by a GOP controlled Washington
under Bush. This is the same GOP group
that is obstructing the recovery now.
Why this blog post on a stock blog. Vote your class. It is a huge factor in your net wealth increase and net worth over the long hall. The GOP supports only the upper 3% and most of them are not the job creators. The GOP does not represent you. Unless you make over 250k per year then they are your party. Vote for science not GOP pseudo-science we played the pseudo-science game under Bush and it makes the United States look stupid to everyone in the world. Don’t hate or fear, when the GOP touts the hate and fear look to see what exactly they are trying to hide?
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